Thessalon First Nation Water Treatment Plant is located within the Public Works building. It is classified as a limited groundwater substation supplied with a chemical feed system and 2 wells at 30 meters in depth with approximately 3408 meters of 6' underground waterline and 17 fire hydrants. Hydrants are set up for flushing purposes and not for firefighting. Thessalon First Nation delivers safe drinking water to 63 housing units and 5 band buildings. The Water Plant is monitored and recorded by 2 certified operators on a daily basis. Our weekly bacterial and e.coli testing is sent to an accredited lab and also recorded. Thessalon First Nation water monitoring program has an agreement with Health Canada (EHO) to consult and collect quarterly samples of our drinking water.

The Water Treatment Plant ensures the following:

  • Ensuring the community has safe drinking water

  • Monitor and test water daily

  • Log and report any adverse water conditions

  • Flushing program

  • Install new waterlines

  • Replace and repair broken waterlines

  • Update all training requirements

  • Report to Chief and Council

  • Liaise with Health Canada (EHO)

  • Operators on call 24 hours

Water Plant Treatment